The creative process cycles through three realms of consciousness, as illustrated in the triangle above. There are various stages, as illustrated on the circumference of the circle. The stages shown here are extended from G. Wallas' four stages depicted in The Art of Thought (1926). It is not a linear process and is shown as such here only for convenience. One may move back and forth through the various stages and realms of consciousness as the process continues.
bulletIt begins with a broad base in the physical world, the Preparation stage.

bulletWe then form symbols in our mental reasoning; this is Incubation.

bulletThe Illumination (or Inspiration) stage occurs when we surpass reasoning and allow ourselves to merge with the unknown in contemplation. We find a new "Vantage Point."

bulletThis creative inspiration is then converted back into symbols that we verify internally in the Confirmation stage.

bulletFinally, the creative product is formed in the world of the senses and validated by its usefulness (Validation stage).

Vantage Quest accelerates the reverie, thus allowing access to the contemplative state in which symbols are transformed.

For more on the creative process read the article:  Accessing Your Inner Creator

Order Vantage Quest and sync in to your creativity.

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