The Coyoté Oak: Burgeoning Wisdom

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Carlisle Bergquist

The Coyoté Oak: Burgeoning Wisdom by Carlisle Bergquist Copyright© 2007 by Reality Press and Vantage Quest LLC All rights reserved.

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Reality Press
For information contact:

P.O. Box 91 Foresthill, CA 95631 ph: 530-367-5389, fx: 530-367-3024 ISBN: 0-9791750-6-2


 VQ Trans


Stimulating Personal Growth, Transformation, and Higher Creativity.

901 W. South Street Salina, KS 67401 (785) 827-1835

Book cover artwork created by:

Carlisle Bergquist
Vantage Quest Design

Author’s portrait taken by:

Duane Billings

Dedicated to the memory of:
James Armstrong & Andrew Levine
Who were created to dream,
and with whom,
I lived the dream of creating.


"You’re a songwriter,” James said, entering my small cabin in the California mountains, “and I want to have a recording studio. We should get together and record sometime.” That began a friendship that would last a lifetime. A few years later, when his dream joined with others, he invited me to be a part of a uniquely creative outpost, The Silvery Moon Studios in LA. Like its namesake, the studio waxed and waned but what we experienced there changed our lives forever. In the years after closing the studio, I went to graduate school and became a transpersonal psychotherapist. James began writing screenplays with Andrew. Then one day I got a call informing me that James had died. At his funeral, I asked Andrew to show me some of the work that meant so much to James. One five-page story idea captured my imagination and, along with Andrew, we planned to finish the screenplay in honor of James. Then another phone call; Andrew was dead and so was the screenplay. I tucked the orphaned story away for several years until I noticed that it blended with another tale I had written and this story was born.

I cannot give enough credit to my wife Geralyn for her contribution of ideas, encouragement and patience. She let her head float the creative ethers with me, and dedicatedly weeded my wordiness while uplifting my imagination. Diane Luboff, also made critical suggestions and extra effort that helped me clarify the story.

Then there is the river of souls in which I often recognize others who, like me, have served a common purpose for who knows how long, brothers and sisters in the oldest of families. My very deep gratitude goes to John Jay Harper, one such being in the river, with whom I am pleased to create.

Special thanks to Stanley Krippner for teaching me more about the phenomena beyond the horizon of rational explanation and for helping me learn to write about it.

Others who assisted with proofreading, suggestions, and cheerleading are Paul Krumm, Judy Edmunds, Bev Cole, Chris Booth, Rose Booth, Paul Bondy, Doris Beddinger, Nolene Davis, Karen Hauser, and Carrie Tatro.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge my cousin Bob Anderson in whose barn great childhood adventures seeded my imagination.

As I share the adventure written on the coming pages with you, I want to acknowledge the contributions made to my experience and imagination by James Armstrong, Andrew Levine, and all those mentioned above. In my gratitude, I have named the main character in James’ honor. Thank you always my brothers and sisters.



Chapter 1 - The Legend of Coyote Oak ...........................................................................1
Chapter 2 - Between the Dreamtime ................................................................................2
Chapter 3 - Daylight Deliberations ..................................................................................3
Chapter 4 - The Quickening .............................................................................................4
Chapter 5 - The Grove......................................................................................................5
Chapter 6 - Initiation ........................................................................................................7
Chapter 7 - The Barn........................................................................................................8
Chapter 8 - A God Named Joe .......................................................................................10
Chapter 9 - The Gathering Storm...................................................................................12
Chapter 10 - Slithereens, Slimers & Sloths....................................................................14
Chapter 11 - A Barrister’s Bond.....................................................................................15
Chapter 12 - Seven Penny Trust.....................................................................................17
Chapter 13 - The Despot’s Designee..............................................................................18
Chapter 14 - The Eye of the Storm.................................................................................20
Chapter 15 - Staring Down the Moon ............................................................................21
Chapter 16 - Midwives of the Burning Ground .............................................................23
Chapter 17 - Dungeons & Dragons in the Aeolian Woods ............................................25
Chapter 18 - Broken Wisdom.........................................................................................26
Chapter 19 - Memos from the Edge ...............................................................................27
Chapter 20 - Estuaries of Transformation ......................................................................29
Chapter 21 - The Nexus..................................................................................................31

Chapter 1 The Legend of Coyote Oak



Article Summaries

The Coyoté Oak: Burgeoning Wisdom

The Coyoté Oak: Burgeoning Wisdom (Preview Chapters)
by Carlisle Bergquist

A modern-day parable for planet in transformation.

"The Coyoté Oak:  Burgeoning Wisdom by Carlisle Bergquist lives up to its name.  Like the trickster Coyoté, this fanciful read informs with unpredictable authority.  The visionary novel weaves deep ecology, shamanism, quantum physics, Native American spirituality, Taoism, mysticism, and even Christianity into an engaging healing adventure.  No small accomplishment as its wisdom rings loud and exquisitely clear.  The author’s vivid descriptions engulf the senses; you can almost taste the pancakes, smell the moss, see the sunsets and you will certainly fall in love with the characters.  Expect to be drawn in deep, transformed and left howling for more." Share Guide - San Francisco, CA

Available wherever books are sold

ISBN:  0-9791750-6-2
Published by Reality Press

Transcendental Creative Systems:

An Exploration Using General Living Systems Theory

Creativity is the merger of matter/energy with new information.  The process of bringing something new into existence, is an inherent characteristic of life.  To live is to create whether we do so unconsciously, or with full awareness.  This essay is an academic approach to the creative process using James Miller's General Living Systems Theory to model the course from non-being to created work.

A Comparative View of Creativity Theories:
Psychoanalytic, Behaviorist, & Humanistic

Three streams of thought in contemporary psychology view our humanness is distinctly different ways.  This is nowhere more evident than in their efforts to explain creativity.  This essay explores and compares these divergent views and provides a foundation from which to develop a new transpersonal theory of creativity.

Dancing With The Whole:
A Theory of Creative Entrainment

The holistic theory models entrainment as a communicative occurrence. Examples are given from several disciplines and four stages of entrainment are delimited. The essay compares theoretical quantum physicist David Bohm's notions of order with the realms of spirit, mind, and body. It proposes stages of entrainment operant throughout these realms and suggests that they perform cumulatively in the creative or unfolding process. The systems perspective develops the thesis that humankind is an iteration of a larger system and that entrainment is a central factor in the transduction of information between individuals and across system levels.

Doorways In Consciousness:
An Exploration of Resonant Being

Many cultures around the globe embrace sound in their exoteric and esoteric traditions. This essay reviews the role sound plays in the religions, creation myths, and sacred technologies of various peoples. This review connects creativity with healing which is considered an act of regeneration thus creating health in the body. Several varieties of healing through sound are discussed including music, drumming, toning, chant, instruments, Kabballah, and prayer. The essay proposes that techniques of sound healing and therapy currently rely on the intuitive ability of individual practitioners. Acknowledging the need for effective healing modalities, it calls for research that can qualify the elemental effects of existing sounds, tones and prayers. Such categorization may help construct an applied holistic healing technology.

Building A Better Thought Trap:
Nutrition for Colossal Creativity & Peak Performance

Colossal creativity is a state of balance amongst the mind, the body, and the spirit that actuates human potential. This article concentrates on the vitamin and nutritional components of our system so that they resonate more clearly. The focus is on the brain which rests at the focal point of our physical, mental, and spiritual worlds. It traps and interprets inspiration that comes from deep within, transforming it from one world to another. Colossal creativity unfolds when we nourish every part of our being. Digest new thoughts and ideas to nourish your mind. Develop a daily practice -- whatever your faith -- that invites active participation from your Spiritual-Self.

Accessing Your Inner Creator

An essay for general audiences that explores the creative process comparing it with the duality described in many philosophical and spiritual traditions. Techniques are given to apply these strategies to ones individual work.

Creativity, Healing, & Shamanism

An academic, yet deeply personal essay about exceptional encounters in Brazil with alternative healing and spiritual tradition. It details a dynamical systems (chaos theory) model of creativity: at "The Valley of The Dawn" a spiritual healing community; in Amyr, a physical medium; and in my experience using Ayahuasca with "The Santo Daime Doctrine" in Rio de Janeiro.

Guest Articles

How Money is Created

by Paul Krumm

Toward an Economy Based on Curiosity and Caring Instead of Greed

by Paul Krumm


  • While the network of money transactions around the world is very complex, the way money works is really rather simple, and is understandable by the ordinary person.

  • The study of the operation of money is pivotal to any discussion of cultural values and social justice, as money is the basic language of economic relationships, and the values built into this language impact all social relationships.

In this paper we will describe how the present money game is structured.  We will show that the idea that money is value neutral is not correct, and go on to describe how money functions to promote greed.

Some preliminary suggestions will be given, based on theory and what has worked in the past, to change the values built into our money to ones that are more congruent with a curiosity and caring driven economy.

We will also show how the present money game is not sustainable, note that the same changes that lead to a curiosity and caring based system are the same changes that make money and our economy sustainable.

Transforming Reality Through The Arts

by Coni Ciongoli-Koepfinger

Could this be the key to CREATIVE EVOLUTION?  Is the creation of a society that questions the reality of its fiction and the fiction of its reality be but a page turn away. Conceivably it is no longer a question of controlling what is real; instead, is it a question of controlling the market analysis that controls what the individual assumes to be real? Perhaps then, we will able to give birth to the new science that is no longer bipolar in its relations of the art and the social – a new science that is born out of a culture that was modified to be the perfect blend of both fact and fiction.

Staying Centered in Peace
by Lisa Hepner

An essay written in the wake of events on September 11, 2001.  This piece addresses the struggles we experience to see beyond the pain.  The author draws together the thoughts of many personal growth writers into an inspiring tonic for our wounded souls.