Ready to change the
10 Billion Beats

Additional Wizardry
The Coyote Oak:
Burgeoning Wisdom
Vantage Quest
Alabaster Light
& Gatherings at Coyote Oaks
| | Submitting your article
Thoughts Beneath The Trees is provided at no charge as an
information resource to our visitors. Our clear intention is to explore
the boundaries between science and spirituality, and stimulate new ways to view
creativity in the world around us. The site is solely supported by sales
of Vantage Quest CDs.
What's in it for you.
 | "Trees" is visited by hundreds of viewers each week
making it an excellent venue for expression. Your ideas will be viewed, read and
considered by some of the finest minds on the planet. |
 | You will retain all rights to your work and are free to publish and
distribute it elsewhere. |
 | We will post your name and contact information as author/artist, or
creator. |
 | We'll give you a free copy of Vantage Quest to acknowledge your hard work,
and our sincere thanks for your contribution. |
What's in it for us.
 | We get to learn from you as do others who read your article. |
 | We get an irrevocable right to publish your article on this website. (You
may use it anywhere else as mentioned above, and we will not sell copies of
your work.) |
 | We get the right to promote your article as part of this site in any
search engines and directories or other media. |
 | We get the right to format the article's style to fit this collection. |
 | We get the satisfaction of helping creative minds grow and connect with
others. |
Submission Guidelines
- Copyright your work before you submit it to us.
- Articles must be well written. Academic style is preferred but
popular works with references and a logical thesis will be considered.
- Subjects accepted: Creativity, Transpersonal Psychology, New
Science, Deep Ecology, Holism, Systems Theory, Spirituality. We will also
accept, poetry in the above areas and inspirational digital art.
- Use a word processor and save your article in plain text format.
- Proof Read, Proof Read, Proof Read.
- Write a summary paragraph.
- Send your final submission as an attached document to us via email.
Be sure to include all graphics and photos if they are part of your writing.