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Thoughts Beneath The Trees

Workshops & Gatherings

Creativity, Healing & Shamanism: Workshop
A special event for your creative spirit.

November 1997

Hello Creators,

This month's news letter will be a little different.   I want to address an issue presented by a couple of users concerning Vantage Quest.   I will of course announce the winner of this month’s drawing (with a nice surprise) and give some general info.  Thus, it is a little longer than usual.

As you may know, last month I announced the Assembly Bulletin Board for users to communicate their ideas and questions.  Well, it has not been used very much.  One person told me that’s because you have to sign-up with the service to post anything.  Well, I heard that and will proceed with finding a better solution so that you all can feel comfortable in exchanging information and have the chance to get feedback from others having similar experiences.  I still believe this will be a great information exchange once I get the bugs worked out, and you all feel comfortable in talking.

One post in the Assembly asked an important question that prompts the subject of this newsletter.  It asks, “When can I expect results?”

One of the most important aspects of creativity is stilling the mind and suspending judgment long enough for the quiet flash of inspiration to occur.  This is the primary way Vantage Quest works.  It induces the deep reverie where you can both speak to, and more importantly listen too, the quite inner self that waits for your attention.  Whether in healing, or creating, it is by stopping the chatter of the active analytical mind that real change happens.

Vantage Quest was created to be a multi-purpose tool.  Its central focus is creativity.  Its uses also include stress relief, memory recall, hypnotherapy, and healing work.  I have avoided giving a specific purpose to any of the matrices because I am certain that each of you will have a different response to each of them based on your own natural resonance.  I have tried to explain this notion further on the site in the “The Twelve Tones of Vantage Quest,” and the article “Doorways in Consciousness.”

“OK, so he’s asking me not to think!” you say.  “Isn’t this like selling the emperor and new set of invisible cloths?”  Well, no.  I am only asking you to think differently and to use the analytical part of your mind before and after you use VQ but not WHILE you use it.  When you listen, create an image in your mind (either visual or sensate as works for you).  Then let yourself completely relax sending your image off into the tones.  This is the way to tell your subconscious, superconscious, or as I think of it Spirit what the task is.  You will get a response but you must continue to listen to your inner voice. This is why I encourage users to write down their day, and night, dreams after using VQ.  You may find that the messages you receive are not directly related to the task on which you thought you were working. Sometimes, VQ calls up the very things that are blocking your creative being.  If you then turn your creative task to healing/changing those issues, your natural creative self will bloom before your eyes.

Several folks have commented on being creative in the bathtub (and on certain other porcelain amenities found nearby).  One user has even found a way to listen to VQ while in the tub.  He calls it “using Bentov’s (author of Stalking the Wild Pendulum) wet method.” It is in the deep relaxation we suspend judgment and the magic happens.  Should you decide to listen the tub please use it through speakers instead of headphones so that water and electricity don’t create something far less pleasant for you.

Below is a letter I received this month from one user about her experience.  She is an accomplished traveler in the inner world from her  experience with shamanic journeying.  You may not go as deeply as quickly but I include it just to show you what can happen.  Her experience includes the imagery and the blocks and show a wonderful awareness of working through the issues as they arise.

Karen Berggren writes;

“I received the VQ CD the other day and wasted no time going a journey with it, a rather intense one at that.  I’ve been aware of some old dysfunctional belief patterns that have been coming up for me lately, so the intention I brought into the journey was that it would assist my healing process.  Then I put on the CD and just let the imagery unfold.”

“I first felt evolutionary layers of my being peeling away, for I found myself plummeting back in time through mammalian and reptilian existences, all the way back into a primordial amoebae swamp.  This all happened fairly quickly, in the span of a few minutes.”

“At this point my consciousness began to expand outward from this single celled organism so that I was resonating with the earth itself, as if I had joined her in her body.   (In this phase I noted that one of the driving rhythms of the CD is very similar to shamanic drumming which often resonates with the earth’s frequency of 7.8 cycles per second.) Here I knew the earth as the Great Mother of my physical self, of all physical life.”

“Then the imagery suddenly shifted.  I found myself hanging suspended in the air, arched over backwards arms outstretched and down as you might see a classical dancer.  Below my waist was very dark.  Above this, I was arching up into a blue luminous light and slowly turning around in circles.  I knew the motion was caused by the healing activity of the light, and the light felt very good to me.  I again thought of my intention and remembered, or was reminded (I’m not sure which) that my life as of late is going through a process of soul retrieval.  But rather than a physical shaman here on the earth doing it, it’s being done on the more subtle planes, by the consciousness in this blue light for example.  My desire for healing helps facilitate the process, and in fact, wouldn’t be happening without it, I feel.”

“And then I hit a few moments of terror and discomfort.  The images weren’t clear, but I was standing on solid ground when a fissure opened up below me.  I fell in and the earth collapsed on top of me, swallowing me up with such suddenness and force I became physically nauseated at this point in the journey.  I breathed through it, recalling that in soul retrieval when parts are returned they come home with the memories they left with.  I felt like I was reliving a death I’d experienced in another lifetime, and this was the memory being returned with the part that had split off.”

“Soon afterwards, I found myself in an energetic cocoon of sorts.  I was inside with folded wet wings against my body slowly spinning around, at the same speed I had experienced being bathed in the blue light.  My vision took a more distant view and I saw and felt the earth plummeting through space, and I thought I would have to hold on for dear life, but I realized I didn’t have to.  My cocoon was nestled intimately within the embrace of the earth’s energy.  Where she goes, I go, but for a moment this was a concern I felt.”

“The journey ended soon afterwards.  It was a much more intense experience than I anticipated, but in a way I’m not surprised, and have to chuckle.  It’s a good reminder that the best advice for these times and this work is to simply Expect the Unexpected!”

“Later that night I felt compelled to do a spontaneous ecstatic dance ritual.  Having already done so twice this week seemed a little unusual to ‘need’ to do it again, so soon.  But as I opened up into the experience I found I was dancing much of the imagery that came to me during the VQ journey...particularly the experience with the blue light. I smiled at this and reminded myself, ‘Yeah, if we can just put our analytical mind and persona aside from time to time, our being will show us exactly what we need do to heal ourselves.’”

“The connection between the VQ journey and trance dance experience also linked directly in with a message that my spirit guide, Running Wolf, gave me a few years ago at a sacred fire circle.  He recommended that I research the Native American Ghost Dance and added that the same spirit which inspired that practice is here again today with the same intention.  I’ll say more about this in the future.”

Thank you for allowing me to share your experience with the group Karen.

I’d also like to say that Karen has a book out called “Circle of   Shaman.”  You can access her site “Dharma Dance Bistro” at http://www.tiac.net/users/newdream , or through our links page on the site.

Now for the winners!  There were so many registrants to the Guest Book this time I thought I would be generous and have more than one winner. Maybe it's the Holiday spirit approaching.  VQ is a nice gift.  So this month there are 3 winners.

Julianne Pearce
Levin, North Island, New Zealand

Catherine Clark
Austin, TX

Daona Parker
Poplar Bluff, MO

My computer selects the winners by choosing a random number and then finding the entry with that number in the order of their arrival.  Sorry guys, my computer favored the women this month for some reason.

Congratulation Julianne, Catherine, and Daona!  I hope you enjoy it, and please come back and share “the adventures you sink your minds into.”

Thanks you all for your time and comments, and to the many of you who have told your friends about Vantage Quest and the Site.  The roots of this grassroots company continue to deepen.  This month’s newsletter is being written on our new Power Mac 9600/300 that will over the next weeks and months be used to create the remaining Harmonic Matrices (as explained in the last newsletter).  It's a big step forward and is part of many wonderful developments on the horizon.  As you know, I’ll keep you posted.

Finally, the usual Newsletter  administration;

I still do this the old fashioned way -- by hand -- learning as I go. The  list continues to grow dramatically so I apologize if you get two copies of, or if you don't want to receive our newsletter.  Just send me a note and I will groom the list.  As I've said, I want to build a community of creative folks, not make "email enemies."  For those who do not know, I hold a drawing from the previous months Guest Book entries about the 1st. of each month.  The winner receives a free copy of our latest release.  YES, you can enter again each month, and many of you have, but ONCE only. Please let me know in the comments that you're already on this mailing so I don't send you multiple copies of this newsletter.

As before I am sending this out in small batches today and tomorrow on two different mail hosts, so I don't overload our ISP.  Please make any reply to carlisle@vantagequest.org.   Someday I will get this all consolidated but till then...I will work around the problems.

That's it for another month.  Thanks again for you interest and 'till next month....

"Why not do some dreamin, you're not afraid to try."

With warm regard,


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